You'll witness some pretty heartwarming interactions on your SeeClickFix solution – families reunited with lost pets, constituent appreciation for public servants, neighbors rallying around a neighbor in need, and so much more. Though, periodically you will be challenged with a resident interaction that may be tricky –– here's our advice.
At CivicPlus, SeeClickFix is accompanied by Moderations filters that ensure your community is interacting in a safe and productive environment. Over 10+ years, we have created a list of terms that are auto-moderated upon submission. Every day, these moderations are sent to our team of Support Specialists for review.
So, what happens if you notice a word that has threatened the safety of your community's interactions?
First: If the term should be immediately removed from the constituent view, please press the "Flag" button twice. You may either press this button on the main SeeClickFix ticket or within a comment in the comment thread. Our best practice tip is to avoid flagging the entire ticket if the offensive term is only in a comment.
Second: If you would like this term to be automatically moderated, please send an email to Technical Support with this request. Our Support Team will review your request and provide a decision. Please note that our list of auto-moderated terms spans our entire client base worldwide, and we may not be able to add some terms.
Best Practice Tips
Have you noticed that some categories seem to garner most of the negative interactions?
You may want to review your settings for this category. You can remove the ability to comment on a ticket based on the category type. For example: If you're noticing inappropriate behavior on 'Code Enforcement' tickets, but very productive conversations on 'Community Suggestion' tickets – you may consider removing commenting on the former.
Are you hoping to reroute heated discussions from a comment thread to another forum?
We've had clients successfully steer some constituent conversations to a more appropriate forum. Consider keeping a message in your Prepared Content list that sounds something like this:
"Good morning! While we encourage an open line of communication in the City/County of X, we understand that 311 is geared toward bringing a ticket to resolution. On this topic, it's clear that a more formal discussion may be warranted. The forums our City/County has made available for these conversations are City Council Meetings [Time & Location], City Facebook Group, and City Feedback Email. Please join us and let's chat – thank you!"
Feel like you've tried every response possible to de-escalate a situation?
Sometimes the best method is to offer an in-person meeting (or, a direct phone call if in-person interaction is not possible). Making time to listen to a constituent can help you see the root of the individual's feelings and gain common ground. Our clients have also proactively set group meetings with communicative constituents before their SeeClickFix launch. This often helps the constituent feel like a valued (and heard!) member of the community and will promote respectful behavior on your SeeClickFix solution.
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