Once work has been completed for a Work Order it should be marked as Done. In this article, we go through this workflow.
Important Note: All users can close Work Orders. However, Internal Personnel users can only close Work Orders assigned to themselves.
After a Work Order has been assigned and work has been completed, the Work Order should be marked as Done. Prior to doing so, here are some additional steps:
- Navigate to the Work Orders tab.
- Select the Work Order you wish to close.
- If Resources were Budgeted for this Work Order, click the + icon next to each Budget Resource to add that resource to the Used Resource section.
- Note: If there are no Budgeted Resources, Used Resources can still be added to the Work Order.
- When adding a Used Resource a pop-up window will appear to ask you how much of that Resource was used.
- Click Add.
- Ensure that the Work Order status is set to Done.
- Click Update Work Order.
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