A due date is an estimated completion time for an individual request and can be moved around based on prioritization and available resources. Due dates can be set automatically, based on the category’s Service Level Agreement (SLA) or they can be set manually as requests come in.
Organizations can track response time by setting up a SLA for different types of services. This helps to benchmark and establish goals for responding to specific types of requests. If your SLA for potholes is 7 days, it means that you hope to resolve potholes within 7 days on average. This is great for measuring success in aggregate, but it doesn’t help you to plan and prioritize individual requests.
Change Due Date
To change the due date associated with an issue or set of requests to a specific date on the Requests tab, select the Requests and click on Change Due Date across the top.
From the Request detail page, click Change Due Date from the action buttons on the right side of the page.
When Change Due Date is selected, a field will populate. By clicking in the field, a calendar will show up and select a date from the calendar.
Filtering Requests by Due Date
The left menu of the Requests tab allows you to search and filter requests created in your organization based on a number of qualifiers; one of those being Due Date.
Clicking on the Due Date Start Date and End Date on the left-hand side brings up a calendar pop-out that allows you to select dates to bound your search.
After selecting a date range, all Requests with a due date between those dates will appear on the screen.
Helpful Tips on Due Dates
- Due dates are adjustable even after they have been set.
- Moving a due date will record as an internal comment on a request.
- Due dates can be moved by Owners & Managers, but not Internal Personnel.
- A Due Date column will replace the SLA column on the requests page.
- Both SLA & due date will be visible on the single issue page.
- Due dates can also be added manually & used without SLAs set.
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What is the relationship between a due date and SLA days? Is a due date set automatically based on the SLA if one exists?
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