Important Note
- The license for the third-party software's Application Programming Interface (API) utilized for this integration may require additional cost from that vendor. Please confirm your organization's API access and license with your third-party vendor.
- Accela Automation 7.3.2+
- Customer-hosted (on-premise) or Accela-hosted (online)
- Accela Mobile Office (AMO) license
- Required for Agency user credentials
- Accela Construct API (v4)
- This is an Accela-hosted API, with which the SeeClickFix integration communicates.
- The Construct API authenticates user identity using CivicID, using the industry-standard OAuth 2 protocol, which generates API access tokens.
- The Construct API routes traffic asynchronously to your Accela Automation server, using the Accela Gateway.
Address, Parcel, & Parcel Owner Lookup
Prior to creating a Record in Accela, the integration can query the Accela system for the following:
- Parcel
- Parcel Owner
- Address (such as reverse geocode using X/Y map coordinates submitted on SeeClickFix)
- If the address is not validated, the requester will receive an error message for address validation. The error message is customizable per customer.
Submitting Requests
- As requests are created on SeeClickFix, the Integration submits them to Accela individually (on the fly) as new Records.
- For each record, the Integration can optionally populate the Accela address, parcel, and parcel owner (previously obtained).
- For each record, the Integration can optionally submit Custom Forms.
- If a SeeClickFix request includes an image, the Integration submits it to Accela as a Document on the Record.
Submitting Comments
- As public comments are added on SeeClickFix, the Integration submits them to Accela individually (on-the-fly), as Comments on the Record.
- If a comment includes an image, the Integration submits it to Accela as a Document on the Record.
Importing Comments
- The Integration will periodically query Accela for Comments added to the Record and will import those intended for public consumption.
- This “public” option is currently implemented using a comment prefix "To SCF:", lacking a standalone checkbox value for this purpose.
- The Integration can optionally do the same for Comments on any Inspections attached to the Record.
Checking for Updates
- The Integration will periodically query Accela for changes to the Record, to take the following actions:
- The Integration will close the issue if the Accela Record has been closed.
- The Integration can optionally comment on the issue with a pre-defined message if a specific Accela Record field matches a pre-configured value (such as Status = In Progress) or changes (such as Record Type changes from Illegal Dumping to Housing Complaint).
- This query runs on a schedule, but can also be triggered on-demand using the SeeClickFix internal system.
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