Publicly accessible images within a CentralSquare Enterprise Asset Management (formerly known as Lucity) Work Request can be submitted while the Request is still open and are sent to the SeeClickFix Request.
- To add an image to a CentralSquare Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) Work Request and have that image sent to the SeeClickFix Request for public view, begin by viewing the Work Request in Full Form view.
- Click to add a New Document (icon of a piece of paper with a green paper clip).
- You will see the Upload Document overlay.
- Click Select Files… to select the image you wish to upload.
- Toggle on Make Document Publically Available.
- In the Description, the To SCF: is required prior to the comment you wish to associate with this image.
Note: Without this field, the image will not be sent to SeeClickFix. - Click Upload to complete the document upload, and the image will be sent to SeeClickFix.
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