SeeClickFix offers a Connect integration with CentralSquare Community Development (formerly known as TRAKiT). The SeeClickFix integration with CentralSquare Community Development will implement the following API (Application Programming Interface) operations. This integration requires the customer to have a license and provide access to the CentralSquare API.
Important Note
- The license for the third-party software's Application Programming Interface (API) utilized for this integration may require additional cost from that vendor. Please confirm your organization's API access and license with your third-party vendor.
1. Get Request Categories
- SeeClickFix will periodically query CentralSquare Community Development for the latest Issue Types, and make them available as available request categories on our request submission forms.
- There is no limit to the number of request categories that can be synced with CentralSquare Community Development.
- Request categories are grouped into one or more city-defined service areas. This syncing feature is also available on-demand in our SeeClickFix system.
2. Get Request Questions
- For each CentralSquare Community Development request category (see step 1), SeeClickFix will periodically query TRAKiT for the latest Issue Sub-Types and make them available as answers to a sub-type question on the request submission forms.
- Each question can be configured with the following options:
- Question
- Default: Select the issue sub-type
- Answer Required?
- Default: true
- Answer Is Public?
- Default: true
- Internal Use Only?
- Default: false
- This syncing feature is also available on-demand in our SeeClickFix internal system.
- Question
3. ArcGIS Address Search
- Prior to sending a request to CentralSquare Community Development, SeeClickFix will optionally look up an alternative address from a customer-provided ArcGIS geocode server.
- The map coordinates, user-submitted address, and ArcGIS-validated address are available for submission to CentralSquare Community Development.
4. Create Request
- SeeClickFix will submit requests to CentralSquare Community Development as they are created, for request categories configured to use the integration.
5. Get Request or Check Request Status
- SeeClickFix will periodically poll CentralSquare Community Development for changes to the request, in order to take the following actions:
- SeeClickFix will close the issue if the CentralSquare Community Development issue status matches a pre-configured value, or set of values (example: Status = CLOSED or UNFOUNDED).
- SeeClickFix can comment on the issue with a pre-defined message if any CentralSquare Community Development issue field matches a pre-configured value (example: Status = PENDING).
- This feature is also available on-demand in our system.
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