Important Note
- The license for the third-party software's Application Programming Interface (API) utilized for this integration may require additional cost from that vendor. Please confirm your organization's API access and license with your third-party vendor.
Request Categories
- SeeClickFix will periodically poll OpenGov Enterprise Asset Management (formerly Cartegraph) for a list of request categories (such as OpenGov "Request Issues") that should be offered on our public report forms.
- There is no limit to the number of request categories that can be synced with OpenGov.
- Request categories are grouped into one or more city-defined service areas.
- This syncing feature is also available on-demand in our internal system.
- SeeClickFix will send requests to OpenGov Enterprise Asset Management as they are created for request categories configured to use the integration.
- SeeClickFix will import requests that were directly entered into OpenGov. This allows all OpenGov requests to be available on SeeClickFix, websites, apps, and widgets, not just the ones we send to OpenGov. The importer feature requires a standard polygon without cutouts to be used for the geography of the agency. For example, a geography with state highways cutout of polygon will cause errors in the importer.
- SeeClickFix will periodically poll OpenGov for changes to an integration request to take the following actions:
- SeeClickFix will close the request if it has been closed in OpenGov.
- SeeClickFix will optionally comment on the request with a pre-defined message if an OpenGov request field matches a pre-configured value (such as if TasksField >= 1, add comment “A work task has been created.”)
- This feature is also available on-demand in our internal system.
Requester Information
As part of the integration, SeeClickFix will either find and match an existing Requester in OpenGov Enterprise Asset Management or create a new Requester. As a default, SeeClickFix will send over the following requester fields:
- Email Address: <scf-user-email>
- First Name: “SeeClickFix”
- Last Name: “User”
As an additional option, the integration can also send over the additional fields using SeeClickFix secondary questions. To set this up, create a secondary question, and in the "Integration Key" field put the information in quotations below.
Note: All of these fields must be marked as private. This means that on the configuration page the Display answer publicly? box should not be checked.
- First name: "FirstNameField"
- Last name: "LastNameField"
- Address: "AddressNumberField"
- Unit: "UnitField"
- Street: "StreetField"
- City: "CityField"
- State: "StateField"
- Zip: "ZipCodeField"
- Phone: "PrimaryPhoneField"
- Secondary Phone: "SecondaryPhoneField"
Address Lookup
- Prior to sending a request to OpenGov, SeeClickFix uses the request location (X/Y coordinates) to fetch an address from the Esri World Geocoder.
- The map coordinates, user-submitted address, and ArcGIS-validated address are all available for submission to OpenGov.
Request Comments
- Public comments added in SeeClickFix will be sent to the OpenGov Enterprise Asset Management requests, as they are created.
- SeeClickFix will periodically poll OpenGov for comments added to a request and will import those marked as public.
- This occurs at the same time as status checks.
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