When updating the status of a request to be acknowledged or closed, there is typically some standard language to communicate the beginning of work or the arrival at a resolution. The canned messages feature allows government users to save preset text to populate the comment field when updating the status of requests to save time. Only Owners can use this feature.
- Navigate to profile > Manage Organization.
- Select Prepared Content.
- Click New Canned Message.
- Fill out the message fields.
- Title: Provide a title that allows the comment to be easily identified from the dropdown menu in your city’s dashboard.
- Message: Add the message that will be inserted in the Comment field when this canned response is used.
- Note: You can include spaces for more specific information pertaining to each individual request, such as the resolving department and the date of the resolution or expected date of resolution.
- Click Save.
- The canned message will appear in your dashboard when you click Change Status or Comment when acting on a Request.
Canned Response Examples
Request Closed
Work has been completed at this location. Thank you for using SeeClickFix!
Priority Request
A prioritized work order is in place for repair of this issue.
Inspection Service Request
This issue is currently being looked into by a Public Works Inspector. Updates will come shortly.
Missed Pick-Up
Thank you for reporting a missed trash, recycling, or yard waste pick-up. The City has notified the contractor and we will work to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.
Paving Request
Thank you for reporting this street defect. We will add your roadway to the list for future considerations of paving operations. The City maintains a pavement master plan that provides an overall road surface rating for all City-owned roadways. Paving determinations are made primarily on the basis of that master plan, in conjunction with other factors, including volume of traffic, safety, and efficiency in utilizing available resources.
Street Repair Response
Thank you for reporting the street deficiency. The concern has been added to our work order list and will be fixed shortly.
Tree Pruning/Trim Response
Thank you for submitting your tree branch request. The City will visit the location and determine who is responsible and what appropriate steps are needed.
Code Enforcement
Thank you for reporting this issue. Code Enforcement violations can take several weeks/months to resolve. If a property is found in violation the Code Enforcement Officer will issue a notice of violation. If the property owner fails to comply, a civil infraction ticket will then be issued and a pre-trial date will be scheduled. Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve this issue. We will contact you via email by posting on your SeeClickFix issue if any further information is needed.
Graffiti Closed
Thank you for reporting this graffiti issue. The graffiti you reported has been removed.
Street Light Outage/Issue
In most cases, streetlight repairs are the responsibility of <VENDOR NAME>. If you would like to report a streetlight outage or need for repair please contact 1-800-______ or on their website:
Utility Pole Issue
The City does not own or maintain any utility poles however we will forward your service request to <VENDOR NAME>. If you need further assistance please contact them at <VENDOR CONTACT INFO>.
All - Acknowledged
This request is being referred to the correct department.
This request has been referred to our Public Works Department. DPW staff will respond with an update once they have assessed the request. Thanks for reporting.
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