Shapefiles are the file type that is uploaded to your organization's Geography and will define your organization's service area. If you are looking for information on how to add a Shapefile to your organization, take a look at the Upload a Shapefile article.
SeeClickFix requires the full ESRI shapefile bundle for upload. That will include a .shp, .prj, .shx and .dbf file (at a minimum), projected in WGS84 (SRID 4326) and all packaged as a ZIP archive. Additionally, the layers must be either a Polygon or Multi-Polygon (most typical) or a PolyLine (for streets).
We cannot accept files with Z or M features.
Shape Types
Here is a list of possible shape types, and our support for them. We support PolyLine and Polygon:
Value | Shape Type |
0 | Null Shape |
1 | Point |
3 | PolyLine |
5 | Polygon |
8 | MultiPoint |
11 | PointZ |
13 | PolyLineZ |
15 | PolygonZ |
18 | MultiPointZ |
21 | PointM |
23 | PolyLineM |
25 | PolygonM |
28 | MultiPointM |
31 | MultiPatch |
ESRI has a full-length technical description of Shapefiles and how to create them.
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