This article will show you how to embed and share the reporting Portal.
Important Notes
- The use of the Portal embed may require assistance from your website administrator
- Visit the Embed a SeeClickFix Reporting Portal on a Central Site page on our Municipal Websites Central Help Center for instructions detailing how to embed a SeeClickFix 311 CRM reporting portal on your Central website
Article Navigation
- Click on your User Profile icon:
- In the resulting User Profile Options menu, select the Manage Organization option:
- Navigate to the Settings tab under the Web Portal heading:
- Click the Embed and Share button:
- Configure Embed and Share options:
- Starting Page: The place that your portal starts allows you to designate whether the link that is generated within the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) field will start with the entire list of Request Categories, with one specific category, a specific starting location, or with a list of existing requests to browse
- Category: If the starting page is a Report starting from a specific request category, choose the category to link directly to
- Prompt for Sign-in: This will ensure that users only have access to the categories that they are supposed to see
URL (Recommended): For the best user experience, the portal should open in a new window using the URL option. This will ensure that the display of the portal is optimized properly for the screen that is viewing the portal
- Copy the link from the URL field:
- Paste the URL into a link or a button on your organization's website
- When clicked, the link or button will open the Portal in a new window where the resident can begin a new report
- Copy the link from the URL field:
Embed Code (Advanced): You can embed the portal with the JavaScript embed code provided. Simply paste this code snippet where you’d like to embed the portal:
Responsive Width: We recommend that you use the Responsive Width option, this will always use 100% of the width of the container it is in:
- Width: Cannot edit width, will resize to fit its container
- Height: Choose a height that will fit in most browsers: we recommend between 600px (pixels) and 750px based on average browser data
Fixed Size: Set fixed width and height for the embed (Not Recommended):
Note: To avoid double scrolling on mobile devices, which is especially problematic when embedded, the portal will automatically convert to a button when sized below 400px in width or 550px in height.
Responsive Width: We recommend that you use the Responsive Width option, this will always use 100% of the width of the container it is in:
Recommendations for Placing the Portal Link
The Portal link is a copy-and-paste solution for you to send residents straight to report an issue. Making the Starting Page a specific request category is a great way to encourage residents to report seasonal issues so that your city staff can efficiently respond.
In many instances, the link on an organization's website to "Report an Issue" will go to a page within the organization's website that contains the widget. One method to use the Portal instead of the widget would be to change the link destination for "Report an Issue" to the Portal-generated link.
To give users the best context for what other issues have already been reported, we recommend using the option to Explore requests on the map.
Let us know what was helpful or not helpful about the article.2 comments
these instructions don't work with the HTML widget on Engage..
Please refer to the Embed a SCF Reporting Portal on a CivicEngage Central Site article
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